Three words to describe my life B.K. {=Before Kids}.
I never dreamed of the day when not showering for 3 days in a row would be common-place. And that I am lucky enough to even find time (or remember) to brush my teeth. {Trident gum is suppose to clean your teeth when chewed after meals, right?}
I never dreamed of the day when the only task accomplished for the day was that the kids are still alive. Success is no longer measured by the results of my efforts. Because if you were to take a quick glance around my house, you could easily assume I sat around and ate bon-bons all day {I wish!}.
I never dreamed of the day when I would be so happy to hand my child a "yummy" {a.k.a. a hot doughnut from Krispy Kream} while she sits in her car seat, knowing full well that clumps of sugary-glaze would find their way into the deep crevices of my "clean" car. Until the sticky mess would mysteriously be discovered by my wandering finger-tips in desperate search of a much-wanted-pacifier...
I would have never dreamed, in a million years, that those three words would no longer describe me A.K. {=After Kids}.
It's because I never dreamed of how wonderful it was to be called "Mommy."

The "Valentina" Flower